diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index 83bc9b30dd93b2cfddfd9f8ce81e2bc370187692..353959c9796cc12cf655f4007adbe4f4d7444622 100644
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 include { prepare_genome_files } from './subworkflows/prepare_genome_files.nf'
 include { prepare_annotation_files } from './subworkflows/prepare_annotation_files.nf'
-include { copyFilesForTracking } from './modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf'
+include { copyFilesForTracking as copySpeciesFiles } from './modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf'
+include { copyFilesForTracking as copyAnnotationFiles } from './modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf'
+include { copyFilesForTracking as copyTranscriptomicFiles } from './modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf'
+include { copyFilesForTracking as copyQtlFiles } from './modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf'
+include { copyFilesForTracking as copySpeciesInfoFiles } from './modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf'
 include { getGeneFamilies } from './modules/getGeneFamilies.nf'
 include { getGenomeInfo } from './modules/getGenomeInfo.nf'
 include { getGeneToRnaEdges } from './modules/getGeneToRnaEdges.nf'
@@ -97,38 +101,84 @@ workflow {
         .set { annotation_ch }
-    if(!params.transcriptomic_files) {
-        error("please specify --transcriptomic_files option")
+    copySpeciesFiles(Channel.fromPath(params.species_files, checkIfExists: false).map { tuple('species', it) })
+    copyAnnotationFiles(Channel.fromPath(params.annotation_files, checkIfExists: false).map { tuple('annotation', it) })
+    if(params.transcriptomic_files ) {
+       transcriptomic_f_ch = Channel
+            .fromPath(params.transcriptomic_files, checkIfExists: false)
+            .splitCsv(header:true, sep:"\t", strip:true)
+            .map { row -> tuple(row.ID, row.status, file(row.bioinfo_protocol), file(row.dataset), file(row.counts), file(row.tpm), file(row.metadata), file(row.samples_annotation)) }
+            .set { transcriptomics_ch }
+        getTranscriptomicCounts(transcriptomics_ch)
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.bioinfo_protocol, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.dataset, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.free_term, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.sample, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.dataset_bioinfo_protocol, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition_dataset, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.sample_condition, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.gene_sample, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.gene_condition, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition_onto, subdir = params.merged_subdir)
+        merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition_free_term, subdir = '')
+        copyTranscriptomicFiles(Channel.fromPath(params.transcriptomic_files, checkIfExists: false).map { tuple('transcriptomic', it) })
-    transcriptomic_f_ch = Channel
-        .fromPath(params.transcriptomic_files, checkIfExists: false)
-    if(!params.qtl_files) {
-        error("please specify --qtl_files option")
+    if(params.qtl_files) {
+        qtl_f_ch = Channel
+            .fromPath(params.qtl_files, checkIfExists: false)
+            .splitCsv(header:true, sep:"\t", strip:true)
+            .map { row -> tuple(row.ID, row.status, row.species, file(row.dataset), file(row.qtl), file(row.qtl_annotation)) }
+            .set { qtl_ch }
+        qtl_ch
+            .map { tuple( it[2], *it ) }
+            .combine( samples_ch.gff3, by: 0 )
+            .combine( samples_ch.chr_conv, by: 0 )
+            .map { it[1..-1] }
+            .set { qtl_genome_ch }
+        getQTLInfo(qtl_genome_ch)
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.dataset, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.population, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.site, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.year, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.free_term, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.gene_qtl, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_chromosome, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_dataset, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_population, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_site, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_year, subdir = '')
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_onto, subdir = params.merged_subdir)
+        merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_free_term, subdir = '')
+        copyQtlFiles(Channel.fromPath(params.qtl_files, checkIfExists: false).map { tuple('qtl', it) })
-    qtl_f_ch = Channel
-        .fromPath(params.qtl_files, checkIfExists: false)
-    // copy input files to results directory
-    copyFilesForTracking(Channel.fromPath(params.species_files, checkIfExists: false),
-                        Channel.fromPath(params.annotation_files, checkIfExists: false),
-                        transcriptomic_f_ch, qtl_f_ch, sp_info_ch)
-    //-------------------------------------------------//
-    //                 Prepare inputs                  //
-    //-------------------------------------------------//
+    // copy input files to results directory
+    copySpeciesInfoFiles(Channel.fromPath(params.species_info, checkIfExists: false).map { tuple('species_info', it) })
-    // transcriptomic files
-    transcriptomic_f_ch
-        .splitCsv(header:true, sep:"\t", strip:true)
-        .map { row -> tuple(row.ID, row.status, file(row.bioinfo_protocol), file(row.dataset), file(row.counts), file(row.tpm), file(row.metadata), file(row.samples_annotation)) }
-        .set { transcriptomics_ch }
+    //copyFilesForTracking(Channel.fromPath(params.species_files, checkIfExists: false),
+                        //Channel.fromPath(params.annotation_files, checkIfExists: false),
+                        //transcriptomic_f_ch, qtl_f_ch, sp_info_ch)
-    // qtl files
-    qtl_f_ch
-        .splitCsv(header:true, sep:"\t", strip:true)
-        .map { row -> tuple(row.ID, row.status, row.species, file(row.dataset), file(row.qtl), file(row.qtl_annotation)) }
-        .set { qtl_ch }
     //      Get basic genetic nodes and edges          //
@@ -192,19 +242,12 @@ workflow {
     // need to add the gff3 and chr_conv table to all datasets lines of the qtl
     // table, since multiple datasets for each species, join is not possible
-    qtl_ch
-        .map { tuple( it[2], *it ) }
-        .combine( samples_ch.gff3, by: 0 )
-        .combine( samples_ch.chr_conv, by: 0 )
-        .map { it[1..-1] }
-        .set { qtl_genome_ch }
-    getQTLInfo(qtl_genome_ch)
     //            Get transcriptomics info             //
-    getTranscriptomicCounts(transcriptomics_ch)
     //        Create missing ontology terms            //
@@ -251,32 +294,4 @@ workflow {
     // interpro
     merge_results(getInterProAnnotation.out.interpro, subdir = '')
     merge_results(getInterProAnnotation.out.protein_interpro, subdir = '')
-    // qtl
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.dataset, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.population, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.site, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.year, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.free_term, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.gene_qtl, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_chromosome, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_dataset, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_population, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_site, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_year, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_onto, subdir = params.merged_subdir)
-    merge_results(getQTLInfo.out.qtl_free_term, subdir = '')
-    // transcriptomics
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.bioinfo_protocol, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.dataset, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.free_term, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.sample, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.dataset_bioinfo_protocol, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition_dataset, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.sample_condition, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.gene_sample, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.gene_condition, subdir = '')
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition_onto, subdir = params.merged_subdir)
-    merge_results(getTranscriptomicCounts.out.condition_free_term, subdir = '')
diff --git a/modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf b/modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf
index c4998ef2e9e14886d974cf0c7eab0ae961f51fd8..613f9ce56f648f778fd5974ce3b2c2eac6564c5b 100755
--- a/modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf
+++ b/modules/copyFilesForTracking.nf
@@ -3,20 +3,12 @@
 process copyFilesForTracking {
-    // publishDir "${params.outdir}/conf_files/", mode: params.publish_dir_mode, enabled: params.publish_copyFilesForTracking
-    path species
-    path annotation
-    path transcriptomic
-    path qtl
-    path sp_info
+    tuple val(name), path(file)
-    path species
-    path annotation
-    path transcriptomic
-    path qtl
-    path sp_info
+    path file