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# Minimalist opensilex docker compose environment
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Docker compose environnent to deploy opensilex stack based on a previous work environment variables [opensilex-phis-igepp](
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- [Minimalist opensilex docker compose environment](#minimalist-opensilex-docker-compose-environment)
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  - [Pre-requesite softwares](#pre-requesite-softwares)
  - [Check your installed softwares](#check-your-installed-softwares)
  - [Stack software name with associated versions](#stack-software-name-with-associated-versions)
  - [Installation steps](#installation-steps)
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    - [Fresh new install (compose v2)](#fresh-new-install-compose-v2)
  - [Run minimal opensilex docker stack compose](#run-minimal-opensilex-docker-stack-compose)
    - [(First install only) Create an administrator user](#first-install-only-create-an-administrator-user)
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  - [Stop docker stack](#stop-docker-stack)
  - [Other tools or customizations](#other-tools-or-customizations)
    - [(Optional) Add a gui for mongodb](#optional-add-a-gui-for-mongodb)
    - [(Optional) Add a reverse proxy](#optional-add-a-reverse-proxy)
    - [Migration steps from previous versions](#migration-steps-from-previous-versions)
      - [From previous version 1.0.0-rc+5.1 (compose v1)](#from-previous-version-100-rc51-compose-v1)
      - [From previous version before 1.0.0-rc+5.1 (compose v1)](#from-previous-version-before-100-rc51-compose-v1)
  - [Customize docker configuration](#customize-docker-configuration)
  - [Manage docker](#manage-docker)
  - [Debug installation](#debug-installation)
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  - [$\color{red}{Danger\ Zone}$](#colorreddanger-zone)
    - [Stop docker stack and erase all data (Be sure to delete all data)](#stop-docker-stack-and-erase-all-data-be-sure-to-delete-all-data)
  - [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
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## Pre-requesite softwares

First you need to have these software installed, you can check if they are [installed](#check-your-installed-softwares) :

- [Git](
- [docker](
- [Docker Compose](
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## Check your installed softwares

Following commands should work from everywhere in your system without errors:

`git --version`

`docker --version`

`docker compose version`

## Stack software name with associated versions
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- Mandatory softwares :
  - RDF4J - 3.7.4
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  - MongoDB - 4.4.6
  - OpenSILEX - 1.0.0-rc+5.2

- Other managements softwares :
  - mongo-express (A web based gui for mongo) - 1.0.0-alpha.4
  - haproxy (web server used as reverse proxy) - 2.4.6

## Installation steps
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This docker version is related to [1.0.0-rc+5.2 OpenSILEX version](
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### Fresh new install (compose v2)
Clone the repository to in order to get the project.
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git clone --branch 1.0.0-rc+5.2
cd opensilex-docker-compose
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For migration steps from previous versions, take a look to the [Migration steps from previous version](#migration-steps-from-previous-versions) section

## Run minimal opensilex docker stack compose

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- With a terminal go to the project directory (where this readme is located).
- You must run docker compose up command to start your installation:
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env run --rm start_opensilex_stack
[+] Running 3/0
 ⠿ Container rdf4jdb       Running                                                                                                                                              0.0s
 ⠿ Container mongodb       Running                                                                                                                                              0.0s
 ⠿ Container opensilexapp  Recreated                                                                                                                                            0.0s
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container opensilexapp  Started                                                                                                                                              0.4s
Waiting for mongo to listen on 27017...
Waiting for rdf4j to listen on 8080...
Waiting for opensilex to listen on 8081..
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[wait until it starts]
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### (First install only) Create an administrator user

Docker volumes are persistent until you remove them. You only need to create once an user.
docker exec -it opensilexapp ./bin/ user add --admin --lang=fr --firstName=firstName --lastName=lastName --password=admin
After opensilex start you will be able to access to the application on port [localhost:8081/opensilex/app](http://localhost:8081/opensilex/app).
By default, different available services can be found at these adresses :
- OpenSILEX web application : <http://localhost:8081/opensilex/app>
- OpenSILEX API : <http://localhost:8081/opensilex/api-docs>
- RDF4J Workbench : <http://localhost:28887/rdf4j-workbench>
- MongoDB port : <http://localhost:28888>
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## Stop docker stack

This command will stop the stack.

docker compose --env-file opensilex.env down

## Other tools or customizations
### (Optional) Add a gui for mongodb
This will start the mongo express server that helps you do explore your mongo data on port [localhost:28889](http://localhost:28889). You can also use your own robo3t or Mongo Compass App.
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docker compose --env-file opensilex.env run --rm start_opensilex_stack_mongogui
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### (Optional) Add a reverse proxy
This will start the haproxy as reverse proxy for opensilex instance on port that you want to expose.
It can be configure in the `./opensilex.env` with the variable `HAPROXY_EXPOSED_PORT` (Default to port 80 equivalent to [localhost](http://localhost).
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env run --rm start_opensilex_stack_proxy
If you have installed [optional reverse proxy](#optional-add-a-reverse-proxy)
By default, different available services can be found at these adresses. The port might be change depending on your `./opensilex.env` configuration file.
  - OpenSILEX web application : <http://localhost/opensilex/app>
  - OpenSILEX API : <http://localhost/opensilex/api-docs>
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  - RDF4J Workbench : <http://localhost/rdf4j-workbench>
  - MongoDB port : <http://localhost:28888>
if you add installed [(Optional) Add a gui for mongodb](#optional-add-a-gui-for-mongodb)

- MongoDB express : <http://localhost/mongoadmin>

### Migration steps from previous versions
First, go to the previous directory and get the actual version of the repository.
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# Go inside opensilex-docker-compose directory
git checkout 1.0.0-rc+5.2

#### From previous version 1.0.0-rc+5.1 (compose v1)

If you had a previous installation go to the directory where the project have been clone.
And execute the following command to remove previous docker stack :

# Remove old containers
docker stop mongodb && docker rm mongodb
docker stop opensilexapp && docker rm opensilexapp
docker stop rdf4jdb && docker rm rdf4jdb
docker stop haproxy && docker rm haproxy
docker stop mongoexpressgui && docker rm mongoexpressgui

#### From previous version before 1.0.0-rc+5.1 (compose v1)

If you had a previous installation go to the directory where the project have been clone.
And execute the following command to remove previous docker stack :

# Remove old containers
docker stop mongodb && docker rm mongodb
docker stop opensilex && docker rm opensilex
docker stop rdf4j && docker rm rdf4j
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## Customize docker configuration
Configure `opensilex.env` file to configure opensilex sparql config, applications ports, applications volumes


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_TODO : Add exemples_
## Manage docker
In order to manage your docker stack via an web interface, we suggest you to use [Portainer Community edition edition](
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## Debug installation

This command will give you stack trace of the docker build.

docker compose --env-file opensilex.env build > docker_logs/debug.log

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## $\color{red}{Danger\ Zone}$
### Stop docker stack and erase all data (Be sure to delete all data)
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This command will give you stack trace of the docker build.
docker compose --env-file opensilex.env down --volumes

## Acknowledgments
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Olivier Fangi & Co - [P2M2 Team](