During purge step, system administrator need to have access to all the project.
Actually to do so, we add in production a nG6_ADMIN users which is added to all project manually (via sql query during purge process)
It would be interesting to have a new group "superadmin" which give access to all the projects.
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A table should be added to Administration > Admin management
This table (only visible for superadmins) will permit to create and delete superadmins.
A first version of this feature is online at http://ng6-test.toulouse.inra.fr , and can be tested with the following credentials:
user : test_superadmin, password : unlimited_power
To summurize:
The superadmin group allows to navigate every project, run and analysis on nG6, hidden or not, with admin rights.
There is a new table in the admin section ( Administration > Admin management ) that allow superadmins to add and remove users to and from the superadmin group.
The group's key is NEVER written directly in the source code (yes, I'm looking at you admin group...), allowing an easier deployment for production use.
The only requirement outside of the source deployment is to create a group with title = 'ng6_superadmin' .
Do not hesitate to help me test this feature, thanks!
no tab "administration" ==> The user test_superadmin have to be in admin group also to have access to this view. But, if a user is a superadmin he should by default have the right admin.
Updating the Administration tab to make it visible to superadmin
I haven't found yet how to do it via typo3.
Update the scripts to automaticly put superadmins in the admin group
There could be a prompt when removing users from the superadmin group, saying "Do you also want to remove the user from the admin group?"