V1.27.6f10db1fd · ·
# Improvements - fastqscreen section multiQC has its tips in blockquote #155 - Aviti fastq headers have been anonymized #156
V1.27.4332903e5 · ·
# New feature: - Get unmapped reads (from bwa, star and salmon) into fastq files in alignment/unmapped folder #136 # Improvements: - No more BAM files are stored anymore #154 - Add Help4MultiQC link in mqc report #153 - Add advice to interpret some graphs #152
V1.27.0ca4b7700 · ·
- Remove GitLab link and getplage.contact eamil in MultiQC #143 - Use sample list in readset creation #144 - Analysis creation waits the end of ngsrg treatment creation at readset level to be executed #145 - Remove useless process configuration in dex mode #148 - Ignore exit status 6 in Analysis Creation #149 - Use new conf of MultiQC # 150 - Remove md5sum generation and file adding to readsets #151 - Add 10X index files to /save/ngl #147
V1.26.5be16cee3 · ·
- Support for simple indexes in the Aviti demultiplexStats and the management of undetermined #135 - New function and use of the shared process to create the info header in the MultiQC #137 #139 - Uniqueness of the MultiQC name: projet_pool_flowcell_lane_multiqc.html #138 - Fixed a problem with the empty channel for the illumina demultiplexStat which was no longer inserted #140 - Improvements to the final email: it no longer says that the data is not on ngl while it is there for aviti, and added a link to the analysis if it has been created otherwise to the run # 141
V1.26.05282ed34 · ·
# New feature - Added the NGSRG treatment at the readset level for elemebio #130 # Improvements - Added the name of the analysis (the run_name of jflow for illumina, the run_name of the YAML for aviti) #134 - Fixed an error display bug when sucess at the end of the pipeline - Created the Map of emails at the beginning of the pipeline to match the changes of shared_modules #132 - Complete removal of the name of the technology in the conf #133
V1.25.3b787e4fe · ·
# Improvements - Modification of default email adress for labo and bioinfo #127 - Update NGL-Bi URL in email template #128 - Limit execution of NGSRG readset treatment to illumina # New feature - Some modifications to reuse scripts and modules to create demultiplexStats treatments (lanes/readsets) on aviti data #126
V1.25.09cd7b92a · ·
# New features - Insert nextflow launchDir and resultDir in Analysis properties # 122 - Use of shared groovy functions and creatation of new ones #50 - New template for error email #50 - New parameter for NGL project hash with no default value: `project_hash` #50 # Improvements - Autobuilding of the output directory path #120 - Remove unused few parameters #50 # Bugs fixed - nextflow main config file can now get number of samples on the lane #119 - The DTM_mode parameter is now well evaluated #118
V1.24.067168dc8 · ·
# Improvements - Change name of pipeline (in several email fields) to 'short reads' instead of 'illumina' #114 - Group (almost) every NGL related process to a unique subworkflow #117 # New feature - Use the shared_module's subworkflow to create Analysis, store files and update state #111 and #117 # Bugs fixed - Elembio demultiplexStats script get the correct sequences count and make itself the percOfFrag values #112 - Illumina demultiplexStats script does not get the bcPerfect barcodes count for allOther indexes anymore #115 - Channels versions of some process in module_dna can now be retrieve #116 - The ressource factor can no longer be smaller than 1 #113
V1.23.040e958f4 · ·
# New features - Automatic closing of NGL-SQ Experiement #104 - Get software version and display them in the MultiQC report #15 - Get and export existing readset codes in case of resume pipeline #108 - Update the MultiQC version to 1.24.1 #15 - New ext.args for DUPLICATED_READS process # Improvements - Acceleration of sortemerna execution #109 - Export log files of TREATMENT_DEMUX processes #110 - Remove useless CI/CD files
V1.20.0b9b4cd02 · ·
# New feature - New subworkflows and process for Element's data (demultiplexStat, remove merge_lanes process, use lane number to get fastq files, ...) #96 # Improvements - FastqScreen config file in the assets folder is use by default if no one is in the demultiplexed data folder #105 - Workflow's names have been changed : QC_ANALYSIS -> PLAGE, ILLUMINA_QC -> SHORT_READS_QC #106 - Illumina related NGL-Bi process have been moved into CORE_ILLUMINA sub-workflow #107 - MD5SUM process are called with the extension of file to run on
V1.16.0ada8a2dd · ·
Improvements and New features : - Update sortMeRNA databases #85 - Add Qualimap to the RNA pipeline #88 - New way to rename files before adding them in NGL-Bi (with sequence index) #91 Bugs fixed : - Add R dependency for picard's process #86 - Correct the column gotten to find the GC_DROPOUT value #87
V1.15.04a670904 · ·
New features and Improvements - Update bwa version in fastqScreen conf file - Improve ressources for fastQC, Sortmerna, Qualimap, - Change defaut path to shared_modules, stored on genobioinfo - Run Qualimap in the RNA pipeline - DTM mode force to keep the workdir Bug fixed - GC_DROPOUT value is now got from report in DTM mode
V1.14.01d09f2f5 · ·
Merges requests : !11, !12, !13, !14 New features & improvements : - STAR's logs are now kept #80 - Merge of fastq files by lanes for AVITI data #79 - Keep the wordir if DTM mode is activated #81 - New function to manage requested ressources #84 Bug fixed : - New default value for the lane in Treatment_demux_run (because of changes in shared_modules) #83
V1.10.08a2b4dbf · ·
New features & improvement - New config for NGL-Bi related shared_modules #78 - Add GC bias analysis process in DTM mode (performe analysis and export results in the CSV) #76 - Multipool analysis per lane is now possible (based on multiline jFlow file) #75 Bug fixed - New config for dev mode #77 - Remove NA in demultiplexStat for MiSeq analysis #73