```{r, eval=FALSE, include = FALSE, echo = F}
input = "README.Rmd",
output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(),
quiet = TRUE, output_dir = "inst/app/www/"
input = "README.Rmd",
output_format = rmarkdown::md_document(),
quiet = TRUE
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"
`shinySbm` is a R package containing a shiny application. This application provides a user-friendly interface for network analysis based on the `sbm` package made by Chiquet J, Donnet S and Barbillon P (2023) [CRAN]( The `sbm` package regroups into a unique framework tools for estimating and manipulating variants of the stochastic block model.
`shinySbm` allows you to easily apply and explore the outputs of a Stochastic Block Model without programming. It is useful if you want to analyze your network data (adjacency matrix or list of edges) without knowing the `R` language or to learn the basics of the `sbm` package.
Stochastic block models (SBMs) are probabilistic models in statistical analysis of graphs or networks, that can be used to discover or understand the (hidden/latent) structure of a network, as well as for clustering purposes.
Stochastic Block Models are applied on network to simplify the information they gather, and help visualize the main behaviours/categories/relationships present in your network. It's a latent model which identify significant blocks (groups) of nodes with similar connectivity patterns. This could help you to know if your network: hides closed sub-communities, is hierarchical, or has another specific structure.
With `shinySbm` you should also be able to:
- Easily run a Stochastic Block Model (set your model, infer associated parameters and choose the number of blocks)
- Get some nice outputs as matrix and network plots organized by blocks
- Extract lists of nodes associated with their blocks
To learn more about `shinySbm` you can go to the [ShinySbm Website](
I you want to use shinySBM without having to code a single line, the app is available on [Migale](
You can install the development version of shinySbm like so:
If you are familiar to `docker`, you can also download the docker image by running the command:
``` bash
docker pull
Once installed you can run the command to launch the app:
``` bash
docker run -p 3838:3838
And then from your browser find the address `http://localhost:3838/`
Any questions, problems or comments regarding this application ?
Contact us: [](
## References
Chiquet J, Donnet S, Barbillon P (2023). sbm: Stochastic Blockmodels. R package version 0.4.5,